Ethan? Morgan? Catcher? It’s Time For A Debate!

After a fervent Tweet war over the best Chicagoland Vampire (or sorcerer), readers Tasha, Colette and Mandi have agreed to offer up a point/counterpoint/counterpoint on three CV favorites: Ethan, Morgan and Catcher. Ladies, take it away!


> TEAM ETHAN (Colette of A Buckeye Girl Reads)
I’m totally in love with Ethan. He’s hot, sexy and mysterious. All three of the major ingredients needed for a ideal hero. He’s older, wiser, and can take anything that Merit throws at him. He’s not afraid to take chances, and is as loyal as they come. Nothing stands in his way, yet he’s still vulnerable to matters of the heart, which just makes me sigh out loud. He challenges Merit to break out of her shell, and we all need some one who can push us just a little bit harder then what we’re used to. Ethan is the Master of Cadogan House, and the perfect choice to master and win Merit’s heart forever.
> TEAM MORGAN (Tasha of Heidenkind)

Although Merit feels undeniable physical attraction for her boss and maker (which makes him kind of like her dad… creepy), Morgan is clearly a superior choice for her as far as boyfriend material goes. Aside from the obvious–his superior fashion sense, the fact that he doesn’t boss her around all the time, has never thrown her at other men (after asking her to be his mistress, no less), and doesn’t criticize her taste clothing–Morgan is the type of guy Merit can have fun with! They can watch sports together, eat lots of junk food, go to concerts in Grant Park, spend lazy Sundays together, and make fun of Merit’s high-society family. Have Merit and what’s-his-name ever had fun together? Can you even imagine Ethan having fun? No. Let’s face it, the guy’s a downer. Furthermore, Morgan does sweet, thoughtful things for Merit, like bring her flowers. Even tricking Merit into dating was kind of sweet–admit it! He was cute there! Although I will concede he’s a bit sketchy with his connection to Celine, at least his devotion to his former master shows that he’s loyal to the people he cares about and will stick up for them no matter what. Seriously, why are we not throwing ourselves at Morgan?
> TEAM CATCHER (Mandi of Smexybooks)
If we are talking Chicagoland vampires, I am definitely Team Ethan – but if we are talking about all of Chloe Neill’s men, I have to say I am Team Catcher. A very talented sorcerer, Catcher just happens to be the boyfriend of Merit’s best friend Mallory. For the two of them it was pretty much love at first sight. Catcher, with his very muscular body, shaved head and green eyes caught Mallory’s attention on first glance. As Merit says, “Gruff was Catcher, but a little delicious.”
Catcher is arrogant, a little pretentious with very no nonsense attitude, but his loyalty to his friends is solid. He is a very unselfish friend, spending hours of his time training Merit, knowing she will never earn the respect of her fellow vamps without being able to kick some ass. He is good at what he does because he never lets his guard down. Mallory falls for him hard and fast but for good reason. He doesn’t care what Mallory does for a living, or what color her hair is. He likes her for her – and let’s face it , a total stud. He also is addicted to Lifetime television – only a real man would admit that fact. Merit thinks he is a “pretentious asshole,” and Mallory agrees, “but he is hung like a horse, so that kind of helps.” For those reasons, and because he oozes masculinity, he is “The Man.”
Ladies, thanks for the great posts and for joining us today!
And what’s the point of a fun Valentine’s Day celebration without a giveaway? Leave a comment naming your favorite CV or Dark Elite character this weekend (before 8:00 a.m. CST on Monday morning). One random commenter will win a SIGNED copy of Friday Night Bites, a “Team” button, and some FIRESPELL swag.
Good luck, and happy Valentine’s Day!

53 thoughts on “Ethan? Morgan? Catcher? It’s Time For A Debate!

  • Yay for Jeff! He's one of my fav characters. I don't know why he was not mentioned in Merit's men debate. (After all, he's the only one she has actually "dated" constantly throughout both books!);)

  • I think I'm going to go with Team Morgan. I mean. Morgan. Maker. Junk food. Enough said!

  • I am Team Ethan because not only is he sexy he is the boss! He demands respect and I love how Merit takes a while to give it to him. lol I also love how he is so facinated with her he lets her slide once and while. But in the end he really lets her know how he is and why he is the master of the house. Go Ethan!!

  • MORGAN-no doubt. Ethan has issues, let's face it they are big issues. I think he feels threatened by Merit's independance, strength, and passion for what she believes in. Morgan on the other hand is the total package. (sigh)

  • I'm Team Morgan too! And I loved what Tasha said lol! Ethan IS a downer (sometimes…)! And Morgan's cute and just feels homey and sexy at the same time …*sigh*
    But they all have their moments xD

    :O I hadn't realized its onlo TWO DAYS till V-day!!

    Anyway! Happy Valentine's!

  • Favourite vamp: Merit

    Neither Team Ethan or Team Morgan. Both of them have major baggage to deal with and a lot of growing up to do before either one of them can become a healthy option for Merit on the romantic front. Sort yourselves out boys! Shame Luc is already deeply smitten with another. 🙂

  • *gasp*

    Where is the Catcher love? Does this mean I get to keep him all to myself? Well, maybe I will let Mallory have weekends with him.

  • I'm really digging Morgan for some reason! I LOVE him. Of course last book he and Merit were arguing more, but hopefully they'll patch things up soon.

  • I have not read any of these books yet, but now I can't wait! I'm feeling the need to…! Happy Valentine's Day to me. (Catcher sounds very intriguing!)

  • Team Ethan… can't rule the heart with the head, and you can't argue against their chemistry.
    Plus he looks like Beckham!!!!!!! 😉

  • I think Morgan is sexiest of the men because he's my type- dark and dangerous, though I am not sureif he's "the one" for Merit too bad she finds herself so drawn to Ethan because I am not feeling it with him at all.

    I am interested in the new people being introduced like the werewolves and what was that guy's name you mentioned before??

    Anyway can't wait to see where you take this series, so far I am loving it immensely.

  • There's something about Morgan that I just love. It could be that right from the start Merit and him had an attraction and Morgan didn't try to pawn her off or lure her to be his mistress.

    At the same time there are things about Ethan that I love. How he is drawn to her despite not wanting to, that whole push pull tension is something I love. But at times I feel like she's a chess piece for him.

    So… at the moment… I'm Team Morgan. He's shown that he's got honest feelings for our beloved Merit and doesn't try to change her or pass her off. Of course… should Morgan be revealed as uber evil and crushes Merit's heart (which I think would be wonderful because i'm all about the broken characters) and Ethan proves that he honestly cares for Merit and isn't trying to purged her from his system then I could become Team Ethan.

    Wow… that was much longer than I intended. *grins*

  • Before reading the different arguments I was definitely Team Ethan…but now after reading Mandi's argument for Catcher I'm leaning towards team Catcher..I like those shaved head men..who also like lifetime channel 🙂

  • Team Ethan all the way! Gotta agree with the comment above..not only is he hot, he's also the boss!

    Can't wait to read TB and the CV series would be a great movie or tv show!

  • Team Ethan all the way. He makes Merit(and my heart) beat wildly. They connect on a visceral level.

  • I'm new to this series (but definitely about to go & buy the first book LOL) but from reading the descriptions in the post I'd say Team Morgan :o)

    I may change my mind after reading the books but that would be my first impression. Now I'm off to amazon LOL

  • Thanks for the description – I am liking Ethan alot…

    Tasha did a great job selling that product…


  • As everyone knows I'm a Luc fan aka Cowboy Pete. He is actually one of the vamps that is always there when he is needed, especially for Merit. He was there after she staked Celina and he was the one to call Mal when Merit got into with Ethan and he stayed at Mal's house until everything had settled. I will take him anyday.

  • What about Jeff?! I like him! He's sexy in a geeky sort of way, rwaaar!

    Ahem. But between Morgan, Catcher and Ethan? Catcher! Yum. 😉

  • I love Catcher. But do you know who we have shamelessly neglected? Luc. Sexy Luc. The man needs a woman! So, I'm Team Luc– and I'm chanting…Luc needs Love!

  • Just finished Friday Night Bites today! Great Great Great! Hey peeps! I am most definitely Team Ethan! (However, I pictured Paul Walker as Ethan, not Catcher!) Even given the "a makeris kinda like a daddy" perspective of many, I find that there must be much much much more that we don't yetknow about Ethan. He may be quite authoritative and "arrogant" at times, but I think there is a "bad boy lover" in there some where! I've even had occasion to consider if he and Merit are soul mates.

  • Ethan could be my favorite but he needs a bit of work. I think it'll take Merit longer than the books could possibly cover to get him there, though 😀 I really like Morgan but there's something fishy about him.

    That being said, I <3 Jeff. Geeky werewolf? Yes, please!

  • Most Definitely TEAM MORGAN!! I love the chemistry Morgan has with Merit. Ethan who? lol!

  • Still can't back it up with book solid evidence but… Ethan is still pretty a sexy sexy name… so my vote stands on Team Ethan =)

  • Evil, evil question. How could anybody possibly pick one?

    But, I do have a thing for tall, blonde, sexy and in charge, so I'm going to have to go for Ethan from Chicagoland.

    But no Dark Elite love? I just got done and I love, love, love Scout. & Jason. But thats about the eyes. I do love me some gorgeous eyes.

  • Morgan is sexy as hell and all around fun but I have to go with Team Ethan. He just has Alpha Male written all over him Yummm!!

  • Definitely Team Ethan!!! However I am extremely intrigued by this new Jonah character. If "Jonah" looks anything like Gabriel Aubry there is a very strong possibility that I will be switching to team Jonah soon. I just can't wait for Twice Bitten!!!

  • I'm Team Morgan! I like everyone else but there's something about Morgan that appeals to me.

  • After re-reading both Chicagoland books again, I'm still team Ethan. There's so much more to his character & I can't wait to find out.

  • Um, Team Jeff, please? and/or Team Jason, if the books are *sort of* in the same universe…. I do love those werewolves!

  • Sigh….For Merit. I still choose Ethan. Yes he's got a lot of baggage, but he's also more than capable of 'loosening' up and growing. For example, I loved reading about merit and ethan's junk food interludes (the hot dog in SGB and the burger joint after the party in FNB). The more he's around Merit, the more his sense of humor/fun comes out and I like that. It's also apparent (to me at least) that he thinks Merit is pretty spectacular.

  • Don't get me wrong i love Morgan; he's tall, dark, funny and sexy- what more could a girl want right? 😉

    But i just can't ger over Ethan and the way the two of them are just drawn to each other against their will, also, Ethan is pretty damn sexy himself so i'm gonna go with TEAM EHTAN :):)

    BTW: Catcher and Luc… DELICIOUS * wink wink*

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