Here’s a sampling of famous folks who remind me of the characters in the Dark Elite series.
And remember–if someone isn’t pictured, it’s merely because I haven’t found an actor/model/etc. who fits my mental image. (And Lily, of course, is the model on the cover of FIRESPELL.)
Oh NO, not Chris Pine! I cannot believe he makes your list LOL. Must scrub my eyes. (So not a fan, as if you couldn't tell).
I do like your other choices though 🙂
Funny, the Chris Pine picture is the only one that I think fits!Oh,and the Veronica Lively one, I guess. The rest can't pass for teenagers.
I loooooove Chris Pine; and the girl for Scout also fits with my imaginary Scout. 😀
Only the "Veronica Lively Model" could pass as a teenager. Ramon is nothing like how I imagined Micheal!! And Quinto looks waaayy too old to play Creed. The vibe around the "Scout Model" is perfect, yes. And Chris Pine, if he looked maybe a couple years younger, DEFINITELY.