New FIRESPELL desktop!
I’ve uploaded a new FIRESPELL desktop image to my (aptly named) desktop image page. Drop by and download, and add a little Lily style to your computer. 😉
I’ve uploaded a new FIRESPELL desktop image to my (aptly named) desktop image page. Drop by and download, and add a little Lily style to your computer. 😉
Join me at the Barnes & Noble – Oakview in Omaha, Nebraska on Saturday for a booksigning AND your chance to win a pair of tickets to see John Mayer at Qwest Center Omaha on Thursday, March 4! I’ll be signing copies of FIRESPELL from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m., and we’ll hold a drawing for[…]
Here’s a sampling of famous folks who remind me of the characters in the Dark Elite series. And remember–if someone isn’t pictured, it’s merely because I haven’t found an actor/model/etc. who fits my mental image. (And Lily, of course, is the model on the cover of FIRESPELL.) Jason Shepherd – Actor Chris Pine Scout Green[…]
Drop by Tynga’s Reviews today to check out an interview with yours truly and your chance to win a signed copy of FIRESPELL and FIRESPELL gift pack! Good luck!!