Tag: Guest Blog
Attention book bloggers: If you’d like me to drop by for a guest post or interview in June or early July for the release of TWICE BITTEN, please drop me a note! I’m now scheduling my TWICE BITTEN Blog Tour. If you’re interested, please send me an e-mail (chloe [at] chloeneill [dot] com) with a[…]
And now . . . your answers!
I’m guest posting today over at Literary Escapism, where I’ve answered five of your top ten writing and publishing questions! Drop by to add your questions (for consideration in next week’s final installment), and for your chance at a signed copy of FIRESPELL. Good luck! (And ignore the least flattering picture ever.) 😉
I’m Answering Your Top Ten Questions!
Got questions about writing? About research? About publication? On Thursday, March 18 and Thursday, March 25, I’ll be guestblogging over at Literary Escapism. I’ll also be on hiatus around here for the next few days, so use that time to post your questions about any of the above topics in the comments! I’ll take the[…]