After the rain

We got a solid dose of rain today, an hour-long downpour and wind that nearly pushed the rain horizontal. But afterward, the garden was lush and green (and that may be basic stuff for some, but I’m in a house with greenspace after many, many years in lofts and apartments…green is still a novelty). My[…]

Get your pencils ready.

I’m only one week away from a much-needed vacation, but in the meantime, while the Midwest is roasting in a wet blanket of heat and humidity, some fun things: 1. The fabulous (and gorgeous!) Jia Gayles, Promotions/Public Relations Director of The Knight Agency, will be guest-blogging here on Friday, June 26 to talk about ways[…]

Cloth-spine journals & such

Ali Edwards has a great guest post today with creative chica Jamaica (whose web site I regularly check for sweet crafts and projects). If you’re interested in creating a field journal for your writing notes or a booklet for your source material, this would be a great technique. This would also be a fun project[…]

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