Guest blog – Author Devon Monk + NEW Yahoo Group

Hop on over to Write What You See for a guest blog today by author Devon Monk.  She’s blogging about affirmation boards, an inspirational collage to keep your writing (or other) goals on track. Enjoy, and thanks to Devon for joining me!

An amazing thing happened.  Halfway into the first magazine, the sounds of the party faded away.  I forgot I was sitting in a room full of people.  My conscious mind took the backseat, while my subconscious sorted through photos and words–and wondered, do I want that next year?  Is that my hope and dream?  Is that a writing goal?  Is that the career I’m reaching for?

Also, a couple of fun news items:  First, SOME GIRLS BITE will be published in the UK in March 2010. So welcome, future UK readers!  Second, I’ve started a Chicagoland Vampires Yahoo Group, so feel free to drop by if you’d like to chat!

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