There were 65 entries into the FRIDAY NIGHT BITES ARC contest. I put all the entries in an Excel file, randomized their order, then used Randomizer to pick the winning entry . . .

And the winner is . . . Elaineg8! Congratulations! Please e-mail me (chloe (at) chloeneill (dot) com) with your physical address, and I’ll get your signed ARC in the mail!

Don’t forget–although two of the three ARCs have been nabbed, you still have one more chance to win. An ARC of FRIDAY NIGHT BITES will be one of the prizes for Book Blogger Appreciation Week, September 14-18, 2009. Good luck!
Coming later tomorrow…details about the release of the third Chicagoland Vampires book. 
LATE ADD: For the writers out there (published or aspiring), I’ve posted a Writing Exercise over at Write What You See. I’m going to try to make this a weekly event. Feel free to post your results in the comments, and I’ll feature some of your entries on this blog!

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