I’m joining blogger Editorial Ass to participate in February’s Write Your @ss Off Day! The idea is that you’ll commit to devote 8 hours to your writing on a selected day between February 5 – 8, 2010. You can also drop a marker on the Write Your @ss Off! map to show where and when you’ll be writing (your @ss off).
I’ll be writing (my @ss off) on Saturday, February 6, and working on the draft for the second Dark Elite novel (title and release date TBA). What about you?
I'll be writing on that day as well. Working on first draft of my story/book
hmmm sounds like good motivation to start writing actual passages of my book!
Question: What happened to "Write What You See?" Are you too busy or has it officially been abandoned? Because I LOVED "Write What You See" (I grabbed a totally nifty desk arrangement idea from it and every time I browse it I get inspired to write). Please don't tell me it's been abandoned and instead it is just waiting for resurrection, time permitting.
@Kat – You make a good point. I should go over there and post or something. 🙂