Folks, I’m currently at 4,956 Twitter followers and 7,863 Facebook “Likes.”
If we can get those numbers up to 5,000 Twitter followers and 8,000 Facebook “Likes” by December 10, I’ll give away one more HOUSE RULES ARC, for a total of three!
Thanks for your support and for spreading the word about the Chicagoland Vampires!
Edit – In response to inquiries: Yes, the giveaway is open internationally. All contests on are open internationally unless they state otherwise. Thanks!
Edit #2 – Great job, folks! We hit 5,000 Twitter followers, and we’re nearly to 8,000 on Facebook! So close!
Didn’t know how to get this info to you, so I’m posting it here. I also read the Night Huntress series (Cat and Bones) by Jeaniene Frost. I just checked her website and she is on a panel for the Romantic Times convention in May of 2013 about a hero/heroine in a recurring series where the HEA doesn’t come after the first book. I immediately thought of you, Merit and Ethan. A slot has opened up on the panel. You would be perfect! Please check it out and let us know what happens!
Let me just say- YAY!!! 😀
Yay, thanks so much. 🙂