There are some movies I wouldn’t watch for money, and others I’ll watch every time they’re on cable . . . Or, more accurately, I’ll turn them on while I’m writing. Which is usually how I watch television.
- Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz
- Zombieland
- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
- Iron Man 1 or 2
- Any of the Lord of the Rings movies
- Anything in the Star Trek franchise*
- Anything by Wes Anderson
Do you have any favorite “default” movies?
* – But, weirdly, not anything in the Star Wars franchise. Star Wars used to be my favorite “default” movie. It just doesn’t do anything for me anymore.
I can always watch any of the Lord of the Rings, a Harry Potter, or A League of Their Own.
I agree with regards to Starwars, it just doesn’t do it for me any more either. But then I don’t tend to default to movies, I default to books. Frederica and Regency Buck by Georgette Heyer, The Mary Russel series by Laurie R King, The Nighthuntress Series by J Frost and a heap of cat books (sad I know but they are funny) By Deric Longden.
Merry Christmas!
I default to Hunt for Red October, While you were sleeping, Sabrina (either version), Sliding Doors, the Lake House, and a few specific episodes of Doctor Who. I use to have a thing for Grease 2, but thankfully, that seems to have passed.
I also had a Grease 2 thing! Although the songs were all kind of bizarre, I really loved them.
I loved Grease 2 as a child. I knew all the songs by heart.
My default movies… I usually go by The Mummy 1 and 2, The Italian Job, Robin Hood : Men in Tights, History of the World: Part I and Spaceballs (I love Mel Brooks, thanks to mom ^^)
Um . . . So I’m not the only geek. LOTR!!!! And of course now I will eventually add The Hobbit. (Thorin and Aragorn, meet Ethan!)
Harry Potters – but 6 & 7 bum me out a little.
National Treasure 1 & 2.
I can zone or watch or do a million tasks and love to see a glimpse or hear the soundtrack on any and I feel good.
“Um . . . So I’m not the only geek. LOTR!!!! And of course now I will eventually add The Hobbit. (Thorin and Aragorn, meet Ethan!)”
I’ll watch any Harry Potter movie over and over again. And I love Witness and also To Kill a Mockingbird (my two all time favorite movies). Surprisingly, since I’m not a huge Val Kilmer fan, I will watch The Ghost and the Darkness and also Thunderheart any time they are on. And two of the ones you mentioned, Zombieland and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, make me laugh so hard that I cry. Also, anything with Robert Downey, Jr. (Iron Man, Sherlock Holmes, Heart and Souls, etc).
Ok…I think I’m the ONLY person who watches this movie anytime it’s on no matter what I’m doing…it’s Roadhouse. It’s a Patrick Swayze movie where he’s a bouncer and this rich guy controls the whole town…kind of lame but I LOVE that movie. Also, Back to the Future, How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days, Titanic, and probably any Lord of the Rings (but the third one is my fave).
Back in college, my roomie would put on Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly version) when she studied. I would hear it from my room and end up sneaking into to watch it. She’ll be studying, I’ll sit quietly on the floor and watch for however long. hehe
Pride and Prejudice (Keira Knightly ) every freaking time that I found it on Tv
Pirates of the caribbean saga
Iron Man 1 or 2-Thor 1
Any of the Lord of the Rings movies
Any Sandra Bullock movies
Stars Wars
Stark trek
The day after tomorrow
Anything with Robert Downey, Jr., Jonny Deep, Jake Gyllenhaal
Tim Burton Movies
Definitely LOTR
The Avengers
Scott Pilgram Vs The World
Arrow (tv series) – if not just for his stomach. Do yourself a favor and check it out!!!!
I have Arrow recorded, just haven’t watched it yet. Have to finish writing BITING BAD!! 🙂
Bex is right about Arrow – really well done (& great abs!) – don’t delete your recording! For movies, agree absolutely with your top 3, Chloe, but would swap Star Trek for Serenity (& entire Firefly series) & squeeze Snatch in there somewhere. Happy New Year!
My dafault movies:
Ture Lies
Love Actually
Kill Bill
Long Kiss Goodnight
Lake Placid
Death Proof
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Grease with John Travolta & Olivia Newton John… Rama Lama Ding Dong!!!
I have way too many to choose from, but here are just a few!
Any Marvel comic book movie (except Electria)!
Any James Bond with Daniel Craig (and all the other, but I prefer the newer ones).
And for the holidays… National Lampoons Christmas Vacation! Cracks me up every time, even in July!
There is a lot of films i love to watch, i have watched over & over again.
High on the list are:~
Captain America
Hunger Games
The Twilight Saga
Chitty Chitty bang bang
Resident Evil, any of the movies, I know them by heart (I own them) but I still watch them every single time they are shown on cable; especially the first two. As I kid I used to watch Bloodsport like it was my fix.