BITING BAD is done!

I finished writing the 8th (!!!!!) Chicagoland Vampires novel last night at 7:13 p.m. Not that I was keeping track. 😉

I’m super glad it’s done, and it ended up a little longer than usual. We’ll see how that length fares in the editing process, but I think you’ll all be mighty pleased with the twists and turns!

9 thoughts on “BITING BAD is done!

  • OMG!! Thank you, thank you for not one but two books. Can’t wait to get my hands on them pre-ordered. 🙂

  • Great JOB! I say your ahead of schedule! Know this may sound demanding, but now you can start on #9! 🙂

  • I’m trying to figure out when to start rereading the series before House Rules comes out and I noticed that the release date and the countdown aren’t the same. When will the book be coming out? Thanks!

  • Can not wait, a month today (14th February 2013) in the UK we get House Rules, what a gift for Valentines day, get to spend it with Ethan….oh & Merit, Catcher, Mallory & the rest of the gang, my copy better arrive on time too

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