I finished writing the 8th (!!!!!) Chicagoland Vampires novel last night at 7:13 p.m. Not that I was keeping track. 😉
I’m super glad it’s done, and it ended up a little longer than usual. We’ll see how that length fares in the editing process, but I think you’ll all be mighty pleased with the twists and turns!
OMG!! Thank you, thank you for not one but two books. Can’t wait to get my hands on them pre-ordered. 🙂
Congrats! Looking forward to both House Rules and Biting Bad !
Great JOB! I say your ahead of schedule! Know this may sound demanding, but now you can start on #9! 🙂
thank you sooooo much ! I can’t wait to read House Rules and Biting Bad
That’s awesome, and congrats for getting it done. I can’t wait for House Rules.
Congratulations!!! You deserve a mallowcake!
I’m trying to figure out when to start rereading the series before House Rules comes out and I noticed that the release date and the countdown aren’t the same. When will the book be coming out? Thanks!
At last :)) Thank you so much for making us happy all the time 🙂 Btw congrats 😀
Can not wait, a month today (14th February 2013) in the UK we get House Rules, what a gift for Valentines day, get to spend it with Ethan….oh & Merit, Catcher, Mallory & the rest of the gang, my copy better arrive on time too