Direct from my Facebook page

So, here’s the deal: If Twice Bitten makes the NYT list, I get ink. It will say, “the pen is mighter than the sword,” although I’m undecided as to location. So, my friends, go forth and preorder!

(Yes. I’m serious.)

PS – I informed my mother of this decision last night, and she said, and I quote, “Oh my God, I think that’s AWESOME.”

10 thoughts on “Direct from my Facebook page

  • I totally did that as soon as it was available. I wonder if Ethan would get that sentiment? I know Merit would. lolol

  • No I didn't pre order since I know the bookstore where I go will have it; I like to ensure our bookstores stay open in the future.

  • That is an awesome idea and I'll be buying a copy, so I hope to assist in bringing this ink to fruition!!

  • Love your mom's response. My dad totally freaked out when I got my tattoo in college. He is really cool about it now and even wants one himself.

  • That is really awesome! I might have to buy 2 or 3 copies now that I know that. How about making this a standing deal? One tattoo per entry on the NYT list?

  • It's a done deal. You'll totally make the bestseller list. 🙂 Your readers LOVE you!

  • Well, I have to buy an extra copy now. 🙂

    Are you thinking just the text or are you considering some type or fountain pen/quill crossed with a sword/katana? If it's just the text I'd say get it on your wrist or inside forearm.

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