Live Blog at 8:00 CST Tonight!

Don’t forget — at 8:00 CST I’ll be chatting LIVE at Literary Escapism! This is your chance to ask some (non-spoilery) questions about Merit, Lily and the gang. Here are the details:

1. The chat will begin at 9pm EST (8pm CST) on July 8th. If you’ve already had a chance to read TWICE BITTEN, please do NOT identify TWICE BITTEN spoilers.

2. To access the chat: go to, where you will be asked to log in.

3. To ask me a question, send a private message (PM) to the moderator, Jackie, by clicking on her name in the participant list (it should be the top one), indicating that you have a question – you will then be added to the queue. She will then let you know when it’s your turn to ask a question.

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One thought on “Live Blog at 8:00 CST Tonight!”

  • Er, sorry I am anonymous. I don't have a blogger…Anyway, I finished Twice Bitten on the sixth! It was completely epical and I cannot wait for Hard Bitten. (Spoilers? No? Damn…)

    Anyway, I kind of missed asking you questions but I was then told to email someone (their name was 'jackie') with the questions and then she would send them to you in a transcript or something…Problem is that I do not know her email. Help?

    If not, it is fine. Anyway, you're awesome and amazing and awesometastical and all those other adjectives my sleep-deprived brain cannot remember. ^-^

    PS- Love the word count thing. 'Tis epic. 😛

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