Did you know?

That in addition to this blog, I have a full-featured website that includes the following features:

Have fun!
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5 thoughts on “Did you know?

  • No I didn't know. So are you saying that you will feed my caffeine and book addiction all in one? You rock!

  • Thanks Chloe, I'd never read the canon excerpt before. Hope you're still considering a canon/companion book for the series.

  • I read the cannon excerpt,and the titles. While I laughed at the titles when they were mentioned in the book, reading them in one shot makes me want to smack whoever drafted those titles on the head. (Not you, Chloe.) Hey, could we meet the compiler in the book?

  • Oh, awesome! I mean, I knew you had a website but I didn't know there was an excerpt from the Canon. Doh! ^_^;;

    (I absolutely adore the chapter names in the Canon. I laughed a lot. Absolutely brilliant and I *loved* TWICE BITTEN.^-^)

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