Ethan Wants to Stuff Your Stocking!

Sorry. I couldn’t resist. 😉



As to business, the holiday season is upon us, so I’m taking the opportunity to say thanks and stuff your stockings (ahem) with Chicagoland Vampires goodness, including an autographed ARC of WILD THINGS and a Kindle Paperwhite!!

One randomly selected person will win:

  • A Kindle Paperwhite E-Book Reader
  • An autographed ARC of WILD THINGS;
  • Chicagoland Vampires bookmarks, pens, and buttons;
  • Two signed, international copies of the CV books.

The contest will run through December 19th, 2013.  I’ll pick a winner on the 20th and send as soon as reasonable possible after we receive the winner’s mailing address.  The winner’s goodies may not arrive before Christmas, but we’ll do our best. It’s still a Kindle, right?!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

One entry per household. International entries are fine. Please read my general contest rules here.

Good luck! 


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