Looks great, but a question. Why are there different covers & publishing for different countries?
Each publisher selects its own cover design. As to why there are different publishers, that's just the way it goes. Penguin publishes the books in the US; different publishers purchase the rights to publish the books in their respective countries.
Wow. Merit looks bad-@ss! Great cover.
Great cover!
I like this cover. The problem is, I have two books in the UK covers, and one in the US cover. And probably my next one that I preordered is in the US cover. I would have got all the UK covers, but that thing they did with Merit's hair on Twice Bitten's cover, really bugged me. 😛 I mean, what is that?
Lovin the North America cover and the UK cover, but we Canadians are still checking our clocks over here… we want some signings to happen in Canada!!! TORONTO please, spread some of the Chicago love up here in Canada!
Not bad!
Looks great.
Looks great, but a question. Why are there different covers & publishing for different countries?
Each publisher selects its own cover design. As to why there are different publishers, that's just the way it goes. Penguin publishes the books in the US; different publishers purchase the rights to publish the books in their respective countries.
Wow. Merit looks bad-@ss! Great cover.
Great cover!
I like this cover. The problem is, I have two books in the UK covers, and one in the US cover. And probably my next one that I preordered is in the US cover. I would have got all the UK covers, but that thing they did with Merit's hair on Twice Bitten's cover, really bugged me. 😛 I mean, what is that?
Lovin the North America cover and the UK cover, but we Canadians are still checking our clocks over here… we want some signings to happen in Canada!!! TORONTO please, spread some of the Chicago love up here in Canada!
I agree with Canadian Girl above ^^^ 🙂