Thanks to your support of Methan and the Chicagoland Vampires, WILD THINGS is #80 on this week’s USA Today Bestseller list!
Thank you all so much!! Your preorders are a HUGE help, and I can’t thank you enough. 🙂
And if you haven’t yet grabbed a copy, here are the links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, iBooks, IndieBound, and Penguin.
xoxo, Chloe
Just thought you would enjoy hearing this from a fan. I went to pick up a copy of your latest novel “Wild Things” at the Barnes and Noble here in Waterloo, IA, unfortunately they were sold out! Bad for me but a great thing to hear for an author! Yeah! Ordered the book, so am anticipating a call to pick it up soon. Thanks for the great stories, great characters, and keeping Ethan Sullivan as the romantic lead. 🙂