If you haven’t already, check out Lucienne Diver’s blog today for a response to my pro-vampire tirade by YA author Stacey Jay (cheekily entitled “Zombies Strike Back“). You could win a “Team Vampire” or “Team Zombie” T-shirt by commenting, so vote for your favorite (vamps v. zombies) in Lucienne’s comments!
In other news, I’m a geek for cool office supplies, planners, and organizational ideas. I ran across artist Amanda Hawkins’s gorgeous DIY planner pages today (via erinzam):
I found the planner pages as I was thinking about how I want to prep for my next manuscript deadline (which, I believe, is October 1). Should I use a calendar and identify daily word goals? Weekly word goals? Convention dates? Booksignings and guest blogs? Is it necessary to have a physical planner, or should I use calendar software?
I’d love to hear your ideas–how do you calendar your important deadlines, your writing goals, your guest blogs?
Also, I’ve posted a handful of visually inspiring photographs for the Chicagoland Vampire novels on my inspiration blog, Write What You See, including a look at the consort suite and what Mallory might look like (sans blue hair).