Unfortunately, I’ve decided I need to cancel my Apollycon appearance this year. I have asthma, and work in a large office with several
immunosuppressed people, and I don’t want to risk transmitting anything.
I’m making arrangements to handle the virtual signing orders already submitted, and you can always request free bookmarks and bookplates from my website!
Thank you! ❤️❤️
xoxo, Chloe
I started listening to Chicagoland on audible. My wife listened to the 2 Heirs of Chicagoland and started asking me about the references to other character. I told her about the first series and she wanted to listen to the first one of those, so now she is on the Twice Bitten #3 and going strong.
BTW: I have already read all the Chicagoland Vampires in text but they are just so rich in audio.