Happy Release Day!
It’s HEXBOUND release day! Drop by Bitten by Books today for an EXCLUSIVE Hexbound teaser and your chance to win one fo 5 signed copies of HEXBOUND or one of two $50 Amazon gift cards. Good luck, and happy reading!!
It’s HEXBOUND release day! Drop by Bitten by Books today for an EXCLUSIVE Hexbound teaser and your chance to win one fo 5 signed copies of HEXBOUND or one of two $50 Amazon gift cards. Good luck, and happy reading!!
You can visit me today at YA Book Nerd, where I’m chatting with the lovely Jennifer. And make sure to check out the release party tomorrow at Bitten By Books, where we’ll be giving away five signed copies of HEXBOUND and two $50 Amazon gift cards!!! Happy Release Day Eve!
Only 100 days until the release of HEXBOUND, and all the Jasony, Adepty, Sebastiany goodness. More details soon about the HEXBOUND blog tour, swag, ARC contest, and sneak peeks!
After the long wait, TWICE BITTEN is finally here! Feel free to drop by your local purveyor of fine readables and grab 6 or 12 copies. 🙂 In all seriousness, we worked hard to bring you a TWICE BITTEN that led on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, and I sincerely hope you all[…]