4.5 stars to Twice Bitten from RT Book Reviews!

The first official Twice Bitten review from RT Book Reviews (whose convention I hope to attend next year!): TWICE BITTEN by Chloe NeillGenre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal/Urban Fantasy RT Rating: 4.5 stars Vampires and shapeshifters abound in this next installment of Neill’saddictive Chicagoland Vampires series. Emotional tension runs high in this book,which has feisty newbie vampire[…]

Shout Outs!

I’m a bit behind on my thanks, but a shout out to the following review sites for taking the time to read and review FRIDAY NIGHT BITES! Night Owl Romance (Top Pick): “Ms. Neill has created the perfect vampire series and I am seriously, hopelessly addicted!” Para Normal Romance: “If Firespell: A Novel of the[…]

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