New Elisa, NAC Pack, and Heirs swag in the shop!
Finally! I’ve updated the swag shop to include some new Heirs of Chicagoland merchandise, including Elisa and NAC Pack gear. Connor gear coming soon. 🙂 xoxo, Chloe
Finally! I’ve updated the swag shop to include some new Heirs of Chicagoland merchandise, including Elisa and NAC Pack gear. Connor gear coming soon. 🙂 xoxo, Chloe
Truth time: I don’t post many deleted scenes (although you can see a few here) because I hate to “throw away” perfectly good ideas and try to use them later. 😀 But I don’t think I’m going to be able to use this one, which was cut from WILD HUNGER. DISCLAIMER: Contains WILD HUNGER spoilers.[…]
It’s Jeff’s turn to shine! 🙂 Below you’ll find the teaser for HOWLING FOR YOU, the Jeff & Fallon e-novella that will be released on January 7, 2014. I absolutely adore Jeff, and I’m really, really happy with his story. Here we go: Tension and magic filled the air like invisible smoke, swirling around[…]
HOWLING FOR YOU E-special coming January 2014.