Creating a Synopsis for a Novel – My Process
I talked on Twitter tonight about the process through which I’ve created my unique synopsis style. Click here to read the thread. Enjoy! xoxo, Chloe
I talked on Twitter tonight about the process through which I’ve created my unique synopsis style. Click here to read the thread. Enjoy! xoxo, Chloe
The first rule of getting your manuscript ready for submission to an agent/publisher? WRITE THE BOOK. Assuming you’ve got that done, the second rule is: FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. Find the submission guidelines for the agent or publisher to whom you’re submitting, and follow them to the letter. Print them out, make a checklist, put ’em in a[…]
I love this interview in The Atlantic with Ava DuVernay. It’s a great read for a ton of reasons, including this: If there’s anything my path can help people understand, it’s that you can have joy in the work, as opposed to, “I need an agent, I want to walk the carpets, I want the magazines, I[…]
Shared from my Facebook page: Alright, friends and fans – It’s time for your annual explanation of Why Preorders/Early Orders Matter SOOOO Much to Authors. The short answer? Because they matter to publishers. And therefore they can make or break an author or a series. Preorders and first week sales are the primary numbers that[…]