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Ali Edwards posted a bit of writing by author Paul Coehlo today. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but I found it to be incredibly moving. I think it has something to say about taking risks, whether with respect to writing or other challenges that we face in our day to day life.

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We have to take risks. We can only truly understand the miracle of life when we let the unexpected manifest itself.

. . . . Every day we try to pretend that we don’t realize that moment, that it doesn’t exist, that today is just the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow. But if you pay attention, you can discover the magic instant. It may be hiding at the moment when we put the key in the door in the morning, in the silence right after dinner, in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. This moment exists – a moment when all the strength of the stars passes through us and lets us work miracles.

Happiness is at times a blessing – but usually it’s a conquest. The magic instant helps us to change, drives us forward to seek our dreams. We shall suffer and go through quite a few difficult moments and face many a disappointment – but this is all transitory and inevitable, and eventually we shall feel proud of the marks left behind by the obstacles. In the future we will be able to look back with pride and faith.

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Read the full post here. (Reposted pursuant to Mr. Coehlo’s Creative Commons license.)

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