Tools of the Trade

I thought I’d review the tools I use every evening to write the Chicagoland Vampires and Dark Elite novels, including HOUSE RULES, which is currently under construction.

1. My beloved 13″ MacBook Pro. I use it every day, normally for hours at a time. My first computer was a Commodore 64, then a TRS80, then a Tandy 1000. (Ah, to have been the child of a longtime Radio Shack manager).

2. Scrivener 2.2. I normally write my manuscripts in Microsoft Word, but I’m taking the plunge with Scrivener on this one. I’ll report back after my editor sees the manu for the first time. πŸ™‚

3. Dove Promises – Milk Chocolate with Almond. These things may not qualify as fancy, designer chocolate, but OMG are they good. Dove makes a fine bit of silky-smooth chocolate, and a couple of Promises are my snack every day. I’m not sure if it makes my writing any better, but I do think Merit would approve.

4. Paper. Although I draft on my laptop, I use 3×5 index cards and a notebook (currently a Behance Action Book)

5. Pens. I am a sucker for a good pen, and love my Kaweco Fountain Pen (which has disappeared somewhere in my house). Although I’m not much for ballpoints, I am digging the Caran d’Ache ballpointsΒ I purchased during my last visit to Greer Chicago, one of my favorite stores in Chicagoland.

6. Dry Erase Board: I keep a running list of plot ideas on a dry erase board that hangs in my office.


One thought on “Tools of the Trade”

  • Cool! Thanks for that “behind the scenes” look. I always find that kind of info interesting. And yes! The Dove chocolates are YUMMO! πŸ˜€

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