Bits of the web that I’ve found interesting. Maybe you will, too. 🙂
- Podcasts. Sure, I’m late to the podcast game, as they’ve been around for a while. But they make such a nice change for long walks! I’m especially fond of Nerdist’s recent Tina Fey interview and the Stuff You Missed in History Class features. You can listen online or download (for free) through iTunes.
- Recipes. A couple I can’t wait to try: The Kitchn’s Yellow Butter Cake and Popovers (that you can make in muffin tins!)
- I love Ali Edwards’s Creative Lifts newsletter. Each week, she offers websites, books, or general suggestions for finding your creative muses.
You should try visititing They have tons of great recipe’s on their site. I recommend trying the Blueberry tea cake. It was perfect when I made it.
Are there to be more Dark Elite books