Happy Release Day!

The counter has gone to zero, and FIRESPELL is now in stores! I hope you all have a chance to pick up a copy (or 12 or 16), and that you enjoy reading Lily’s adventure as much as I enjoyed writing it.

EDIT: I’m hearing from folks that they can’t find FIRESPELL on shelves. A lot of bookstores are still recovering from the holiday rush, so they may not have had a chance to unpack it. So check with your bookseller. In any event, they should be out soon.

In addition to the various and sundry contests that kicked off yesterday (see post below), I’m over at Teens Read Too Book Club today with an interview! And, as part of her week-long feature, I’m being interviewed over at LiyanaLand!

Enjoy, good luck with the contests, and happy release day!

4 thoughts on “Happy Release Day!

  • Congratulations on your YA release, Can't wait to read Firespell. I was reading your intervew over at the TRT book club, don't know if i read it correctly but SGB IS being made into a movie? That would be soooo AWESOME! 🙂

  • Congrats on release day Chloe , Whoopie here comes Lily and Scout…

    Jackie B Central Texas

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