Today’s Planned Procrastination

I’ve moved up from Friday morning’s word count (22,200) for HEXBOUND to 26,635, which is much nearer my final bedtime word goal (30,000), hopefully to be completed in time to indulge in my favorite (of many near-favorite) Adult Swim pleasures: Venture Bros.

Today’s planned procrastination: blueberry bread (from a mix; already done); bite-sized sour cream pound cake cupcakes with chocolate ganache (from my own recipe); and mini-veggie frittatas.
Yum! What are y’all up to this weekend?

4 thoughts on “Today’s Planned Procrastination

  • You are making me hungry love blueberry bread mix or not and the sour cream pound cake cupcakes with chocolate oh yummy!
    Yesterday spent all day either preparing for, setting up for and then being at an employees party for my DH and it was a great success! The food was good and we provided the DJ and Karaoke for the musical entertainment and all had a good time.

    jackie b central texas

  • Good job on the work you got done on Hexbound. I haven't been quite so productive this weekend. Studying, and cleaning, and planning for the future are waaayyyy overrated, and hard. 🙂 I love the Venture brothers too.


  • Great job on Hexbound! This weekend I got 3K words done so far, less than 30K to go, also made chicken noodle soup from scratch, came up with my own recipe.

  • Ha, glad to know there's an author out there that enjoys the Venture Brothers. Now if only we could get a scene where Scout pulls out a lightsaber against an muscle bound tank adept only to realize that it passes right through him.

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