"It is a universally acknowledged truth…

…that a writer who’s all but stopped blogging is on a serious deadline.” ~ Chloe Neill (with apologies to Jane Austen)

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Merit: *stealing a chip from Mallory* Anyone seen Chloe lately?

Mallory: The goddess herself? Not lately. *bumps Catcher* You seen her?

Catcher: Not lately. Maybe she’s hanging out in Navarre House.

Ethan: *rolling eyes* Why would anyone with good sense spend time in Navarre House when they could spend time in Cadogan House?

Mallory: Well, Morgan’s pretty hot. *getting shove from Merit* What?! He is hot.

Jeff: *winging up eyebrows* You know who else is hot?

Catcher: *thumping Jeff’s ear* Not now, Half Pint. We’re discussing our MIA author.

Jeff: Oh, Chloe isn’t here? *looking around; scanning blog posts* Yeah, it looks like she hasn’t been blogging much lately. Why is that?

Mallory: Love of my life here guessed “Navarre House,” but that idea got ixnayed.

Scout: *stumbling into the crowd* Oh, God, sorry, sorry. Did someone say an author was missing?

Lily: *rolling eyes as she walks into group* I think they think Chloe is missing.

Scout: Why would they think that?

Lily: *pointing down at noticeable absence of interesting blog posts of late*

Scout: Oooooh. Gotcha. *hitches thumb behind her* Yeah, we know where Chloe is.

Mallory: *perking up* Navarre House?

Scout: What’s Navarre House?

Lily: *clamping hand over Scout’s mouth* Nevermind. She’s in front of her computer again. She’s been writing HEXBOUND?

Scout: *pulling off hand* Another Scout and Lily adventure!

Lily: Why’s it gotta be “Scout and Lily”? Why can’t it be “Lily and Scout”?

Scout: Because I’m the heroine.

Lily: You are So. Not. The heroine.

Scout: Am so.

Lily: Am not.

Catcher: Ladies?

Scout: I totally am.

Lily: You totally are not.

Catcher: LADIES.

Lily and Scout: *glancing up at Catcher* Yes?

Catcher: *pointing toward reader* Say goodbye to the nice blog-reader so you can to back and jump into HEXBOUND. Chloe’s probably ready to finish it up.

Scout: Oh, true. True. *waves* Bye, everybody!

Lily: *waves* Bye!

Merit: *watcing them leave* They’re so cute at that age.

Mallory: For realsies. So, must be a new Dark Elite novel coming. *silence* Since we’ve got time, anyone wanna go catch a movie?

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