…that a writer who’s all but stopped blogging is on a serious deadline.” ~ Chloe Neill (with apologies to Jane Austen)
* * *
Merit: *stealing a chip from Mallory* Anyone seen Chloe lately?
Mallory: The goddess herself? Not lately. *bumps Catcher* You seen her?
Catcher: Not lately. Maybe she’s hanging out in Navarre House.
Ethan: *rolling eyes* Why would anyone with good sense spend time in Navarre House when they could spend time in Cadogan House?
Mallory: Well, Morgan’s pretty hot. *getting shove from Merit* What?! He is hot.
Jeff: *winging up eyebrows* You know who else is hot?
Catcher: *thumping Jeff’s ear* Not now, Half Pint. We’re discussing our MIA author.
Jeff: Oh, Chloe isn’t here? *looking around; scanning blog posts* Yeah, it looks like she hasn’t been blogging much lately. Why is that?
Mallory: Love of my life here guessed “Navarre House,” but that idea got ixnayed.
Scout: *stumbling into the crowd* Oh, God, sorry, sorry. Did someone say an author was missing?
Lily: *rolling eyes as she walks into group* I think they think Chloe is missing.
Scout: Why would they think that?
Lily: *pointing down at noticeable absence of interesting blog posts of late*
Scout: Oooooh. Gotcha. *hitches thumb behind her* Yeah, we know where Chloe is.
Mallory: *perking up* Navarre House?
Scout: What’s Navarre House?
Lily: *clamping hand over Scout’s mouth* Nevermind. She’s in front of her computer again. She’s been writing HEXBOUND?
Scout: *pulling off hand* Another Scout and Lily adventure!
Lily: Why’s it gotta be “Scout and Lily”? Why can’t it be “Lily and Scout”?
Scout: Because I’m the heroine.
Lily: You are So. Not. The heroine.
Scout: Am so.
Lily: Am not.
Catcher: Ladies?
Scout: I totally am.
Lily: You totally are not.
Catcher: LADIES.
Lily and Scout: *glancing up at Catcher* Yes?
Catcher: *pointing toward reader* Say goodbye to the nice blog-reader so you can to back and jump into HEXBOUND. Chloe’s probably ready to finish it up.
Scout: Oh, true. True. *waves* Bye, everybody!
Lily: *waves* Bye!
Merit: *watcing them leave* They’re so cute at that age.
Mallory: For realsies. So, must be a new Dark Elite novel coming. *silence* Since we’ve got time, anyone wanna go catch a movie?
I think I just choked on my milk. Thanks. That was awesome.
You are forgiven for the lack of blog posts with that one. Nice to see all the people in your head mingling. =)
You're very welcome. 🙂
I loved this… how funny!!! I'm with Kari, nice to see all the people in your head mingling.
I think we should be ever sensible of the warmest gratitude toward persons who, by writing, will be the means of uniting us with a good book.
Even though I totally understood your absense, this was a very pleasant surprize. (Seriously though..put a warning before you go funny! Apple juice through the nose hurts!)Like how Ethan got jealous about your theoretically being at Navarre…
Ah and here I thought they might be dragging Catcher off with them into Hexbound
OUTSTANDING! Maded my day !
It was AWESOME! It has totally made my day and it's only 8:37 AM! LOL
Hee hee, thanks for that Chloe – made me chuckle! 🙂
That.Was.AWESOME! Thanks Chloe 🙂
What a perfect post to wake up to. Am both thoroughly amused and itching to re-read some Merit.
I'll take a good book, preferably written by an author relaxed enough to be enjoying their work, over blog entries anyday. 🙂
I am your editor, and I approve this procrastination. -JW
Fun! (caught myself looking for the like button….)
Woot Woot! Too funny! Thanks for that!
Yay! Thanks for the glimpse of Merit et al. I needed that today. Congrats on your progress on Hexbound 🙂
Very funny post!
LOL!! love it!!! anytime spent w/ the characters is so worth it!! 🙂
That was cute! Thanks for sharing that quick break with us! 🙂
thats too cute and so nice to see them interacting together. yeah Catcher