Today is the day! SOME GIRLS BITE is officially on sale in the UK!! Shout-outs to Orion, my UK publisher, and their hardworking staff, and all my new (or continuing!) UK readers!
And what’s a big international release without a CONTEST?? Thanks to my fabulous editor, Jessica, I’m now in possession of a couple of FIRESPELL ARCs. How would you like to get one of your hands on these bad boys?
To enter, leave a comment on this blog entry and tell me the location you’d pick if you were writing your own vampire novel! Two random winners will be selected to win the FIRESPELL ARCs. The contest is open internationally.
If you do any of the following, note it in your comment, and you’ll get an extra entry in the contest for each thing you do (or that you’ve already done)!
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5. Blog about the UK release of SOME GIRLS BITE
6. Tweet about the UK release of SOME GIRLS BITE
7. Myspace or Facebook about the UK release of SOME GIRLS BITE
8. Send me a picture of SOME GIRLS BITE in stores in the UK!
The contest will close on Thursday, March 18 at 8:00 a.m. CST. GOOD LUCK!
Hmmm…my location would be a spooky graveyard in Scotland…hehe!
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Twitter: MileLongBookS
yay, Chloe! UK gets the books slower than usual, so im glad i have SGB already brought over from the states when i moved! ๐
did numbers 1, 2, 4, and 5! ๐
and i am writing my own vampire novel, and i picked London, because it's my new hometown, and my family history is here ๐
Is this contest only for peps UK?
If I was writing a vampire novel, I would have the location be South Florida, because that's where I am from. So many vamp books are in gloomy areas, so it would be different. ๐
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I would pick Stockton Park in jacksonville Florida. Its verry spooky at night and I did number 3.
My choice of location would be right here in Houston, TX. The south is a fascinating place once you get to know some of the history and Houston is full of creepy but also romantic sites.
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Trini @ A Book-Lovers' Review
If I was writing a vampire novel I would have the location be Sturgis,South Dakota because I think that they would be a great blend with the motorcyle rally.
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I'd go with London. For some reason, I've always been so fascinated by London. I can totally imagine scenes taking place in one of the castles in London (how many castles are there?)!
And everyone in my novel would have a hot British accent.
kate.readthisbook [at] gmail [dot] com
Here's to a great book hope everone enjoys it as much as I did. Detroit Michigan. Thanks Rhonda
I would put the story in Ireland. I love how everyone there seems to be really nice and friendly. Also they are big on paranormal stories as well, such as fairies and such. So vamps wouldn't be outta place much! lol Also can't hurt that the country is beautiful!
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Scotland or Ireland would be great settings for vampires. Werewolves and Highlanders always get depicted in Scotland, I think I'd like to shake it up and throw a vamp in there.
Maybe it is because they are considered more refined so they always end up in London or Paris.
RoxanneRhoads @ aol. com
Well I am currently working on one because I want to be a writer more than anything! And my [main] location–where my protagonist lives–is actually Naperville. I've visited there a time or two and thought it would be a good place for my setting! Of course, I do make up the names for one main club just because I like the [fake]name so much better!
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Will post a message on my blog (after I finish this up!) about the UK release of Some Girls Bite!
I would set it at the NJ shore since I live in Nj and there aren't many paranormal books set here.
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I would go with Kirtland, Ohio. It's located near Cleveland. I'm the next city over but that little town is known for some ghost stories, urban legends, and it has the creepiest cemetary which still to this day freaks me out.
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Hi Chloe! Exciting news!!!
If I were to write a vampire novel, I think I'd go with either northern Wisconsin or northern Michigan – lots of places to hide, easy to make people disappear….
I follow your blog and I'm your friend on Facebook! And I just shared on FB about the UK release.
Thanks! Penny
Congrats Chloe! Would you believe Chapters STILL doesn't have Firespell in Toronto yet?!?
I would set it in Toronto, because there are few books set here!
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Hi Chloe! If I was writing a vampire novel, which I just seem to random stories about them =), I would place it in early Paris or Romania.
I follow you on Facebook and on Twitter =) and congrats!
Not entering, as I already own this book ๐ Just wanted to say congrats on the UK release & that I love the cover. The UK always gets the cooler cover!
CONGRATS on being published in the UK. Enjoy new/existing UK readers, you will love Chloe's books!
Location, location, location …. I love the Chicago setting. I may choose a warm location like Miami, Hawaii, or San Fran so the vampires could enjoy a fun warm night life, or somewhere southern to have warm nights and the southern charm ๐
Stacey Lynn
Congrats on the UK release!
If I was writing a vampire novel I would set it here in Washington DC- we have so many cool historical places and a pretty active population to feed, I mean choose from. Lots of stuff to do at night. Plus we have great architecture so the vamps would get cool digs.
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If I was writing a vampire novel, my setting would be here in California like LA or SF.
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Hi Chloe
Congrats on your UK release! I have read both the Chicagoland Vampire books and LOVE Merit!!
If I were choosing a setting for a vampire series I would choose my hometown. It is a small mining/mill town surrounded by mountains in Alberta. There is definitely room for some vampire fun there!!
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OH WOW CONGRATS! *clapping* That's so awesome being published in the UK. I love this cover as well as the US version. Well to answer your question on what location I would pick if I was writing a vamp novel…hmmm…that is a little hard because I am from Chicago and love love love living here but I would like to say Seattle would be a good location:) Perfect weather for a vamp and I think it would be a great setting for a paranormal novel (fish throwing,wooden piers and unique architecture).
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I think I joined your mailing list? Email addy would be steph4182(at)hotmail(dot)com if I did or the yahoo one above. Sorry I have three email addy's so it can get a bit confusing at times.
Okay here are the links for everything:!/smckeehan1?ref=profile
Steph M.
Ha, glad to see there are some Illinois readers close to home Jessica. It's always been said to write what you know and what I know is Illinois and with most vampire trends in modern society Chicago would be the place to be. If it wasn't modern day I would go with industrial age New York.
Hi Chloe,
I would defenitely recommend Budapest. The city skyline during night is breathtaking, mysteriuos catacombs net through the underground of the Castle district and the city. Budapest is a great example to mix the past and the present, as this is my hometown I could assure everyone that it has a great nightlife, and you could never have enough of it. We have all the great Hungarian wines and Bรฉla Lugosi got pretty famous as Mr. Dracula too. I know there's a pretty slim chance for any american writer to have this city as it's main location, as it's middle Europe; but it would be fun if Merit got a super international-sentinel job and got to visit this beautiful place.:)
Keep up the great writing, can't wait for Firespell to continue.
Judy Bรฉres
1.-2.-3.-4.-7.-Pipe ๐
Ps. I made a number 8. cause we have iwiw as a facebook kinda website, and after facebook I also put out the news on that too.
Oh! I love that cover! Very nice!!!
Wonderful contest Chloe, thank you for having it!!!
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Great Contest!
Thanks Again!
Kate (aka YzhaBella)
I'd love to write about Egyptian vampires, could be some interesting origin mythology there.
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Hi! This is great, and congratulations! Wonder if Some Girls Bite will come out in Russian soon.
If I were to write a vampire novel…hmmm…I would like my vamps to be sophisticated, chocoholics. Hmm…maybe in a art museum with a dark theme, or maybe an Egyptian Exhibit! Science building! Or maybe at home, where I am most comfortable, and I can just open the windows drink my cocoa, or coffee and enjoy inhaling chocolate.
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I am a traditionalist so my vampire setting would probably by both Eastern Europe and Victorian England. Blame it on Bram Stoker and the Hammer Horror films.
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Carol T (International entry)
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
If I were to write vampire novel I would locate it in some place with extreme weather and remote, maybe Antarctica.
Congrats on the UK release of "Some Girls Bite"
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Tabitha C.
I would base it out West, in Colorado or Arizona! Loved the book! Could not put it down!!
I would center the novel in Atlanta, GA. I like the southern culture and the feel of the big city. Really loved the book! I am adding you as a friend on facebook.
I would probably base it in Virginia Beach….beach vamps lol.
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throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I think I would pick London if I was writing a vampire novel.
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congrats on the uk release!
Congrats on the release!
I'd probably base it in London ๐
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Thank you!! xD
I'd base it on my hometown Chicago since I am very familiar with the city. maybe even on the Northside where the artsy college grads live. I'm sure they'd enjoy some paranormal activity.
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Thank you for hosting this contest.
yeseniah23 @
Congratulations on the release!
I'd base it in Rome! *_*
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Thank you for the contest! Greeting from Italy!
fabgiada @
Keystone, SD near Mount Rushmore. With the totally creepy wooden storefronts…whew.
I'm actually writing a few novels centered around vampires and two are in fictional towns since I wanted to make each town my own to do as I please without offending anyone! One is based in Massachusetts and the other is in Wisconsin! The third town is actually a town in Maine called Cape Elizabeth since I love the ocean and the East.
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My novel originates in the karst region of Romania known as Padiล. It's a remote mountain area dotted with numerous caves. It is here that the vampires (or strigoi) are manipulated by the Solomonarii (students of the devil). Of course my vampires aren't the heroes, but more clasically, the villians. And my heroes are the decendants of the Metis (halfbreed) zmeu and human children.
I follow you on Good reads, does that count? lol
For a location… I'm a New Englander (US) so, I would go with Boston or a Sub of Boston, or NYC, or a Sub of that. It's what I know, and there aren't many books (UF or PRF/PRN) that center around this area ๐
I think I'd set it in a small english village, not in a big manor but a cottage. The problems it poses would be fun to write around and explain.
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I would have it in Japan or South Korea! ๐ Absolutely love those countries!
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faked_sugartone at hotmail
I would set my vampire novel in either Vancouver or Seattle, somehow those locations appeal to me. ๐
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stella.exlibris (at) gmail DOT com
I'd set a vampire novel in the rust belt, Detroit or Toledo, someplace run down and dark.
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I would set the vampire novel in Las Vegas.
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