I’m very excited to announce that Penguin has contracted for THREE more Chicagoland Vampires books (Nos. 5, 6 and 7).
No word yet on release dates (other than CV4, HARD BITTEN, which has an expected publication date of July 2011.)
Yay, Merit!
Woohoo!!! Congrats Chloe!!!
congrats and yeah for more Merit/Ethan
LMAO, 'nuff said!
That is beyond fantastic news! Congratulations!!!!
Awesome! I look forward to seeing where Merit ends up. Congrats!
wonderful news, can't wait to hear about the next CV.
Yeah!! This is great news!
Wonderful! Congrats Chloe 🙂
SWEEEEEEET!!! That's Awesome news. Congrats.
That news makes me very happy. Congrats!
Holy moley! That's a lot of books! Yay Merit indeed!
I'm so happy!! Congratulations. 🙂 I don't think this is in your FAQ area, but if it is, I apologize. But my question is if you already know/have a rough idea of how you'll end the CV series.
YES!!!! Awesome! Congratulations!
*dances around*
Sweet!! Congrats!! *does a little happy dance hoping no one will see because let's face it, I can't dance.*
Yay Merit? Yay Chloe! You have one smart publisher. SQUEEEEE!!!
Thank GOD. I think I'd have DIED if it ended with book 4. Congrats Chloe!Ahh I'm so excited. Made my day. Time to tell my aunt and mommy. Wooh!
WOOHOO! This is awesome news Chloe! Can't wait for more Ethan & Merit goodness!
Wow, congrats!!! 😀
Huzzaah!!! This makes me very very happy. ♥
Amazing news – woo hoo!! Congratulations Chloe! X
I just fell off my chair with excitement *squeals*
Congratulations Chloe! Yay, more Ethan!
congrats! i cannot wait!
congrats that's AWESOME news!
That's awesome! Congratulations! I can't wait to read #4
Congratulations! This is great news!
Great news! You must be thrilled to bits getting to tell your story as envisioned (more or less). Bet it makes writing book 4 easier too.
It would have been like Firefly all over again if there had only been one more book; gone before it's time with so much story left untold. 😉
Congrats, Chloe!
Yaaaay!I am so happy and excited, I can't even write about it. I recently discovered this series and I am absolutely in love with it!
THANK FREAKIN' GOD. I just found the series… I think I read it in three days and am taking a second gander… I could kiss those publishers…
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!cant wait congrats!
woo effing hoo! I am THRILLED – both for you and for us! Hoorah!
Congratulations Chloe!!! This is great news! I can't wait for Hard Bitten next July!
Chloe! Awesome books, just finished Twice Bitten through the library system, loved the books so much that I'm going out and buying all three. I haven't done that since the 'Twilight Series'.- which I've read six times. I'm planning on reading the Ghicagoland Vampires Novels just as many times!!!
When is any of the Barnes & Noble in Lincoln, NE going to book you for a book signing? Would love to have the books I'm buying signed by you!
Can't wait for Husker football- Go Big Red!!!!
Steph W.
OMG!!! i'm soooooo happy rigth now!!! eaven I know it will mean that each time the book comes out, and I finish reading it I will have to wait looong time for the next one, but stil excited!!! PLEASE write faster, july can't come fast enough 😀
Yay! Congrats. Can't wait for them
Congratulations Chloe! This is best news; the Chicagoland has been my favorite series; following it early on since Book 1 first released. Waiting a year is killing me. I love Merit and Ethan. Seven books is awesome.
OMG Congratulations!!!! I am sooo glad that there will be more then 4 book. This series deserves at least 10 books 😉
Congratulations!! A friend recommended your Chicagoland series and I gobbled all 3 books up in a few days! I could not put them down! I absolutely love them!! I am totally fangirling Ethan and Merit. 🙂 I can't wait to read more!
OMG! That is awesome, but a whole year untill book four is released! A WHOLE YEAR I really don't think I can wait that long but I have no choice! Bummer! Bring on the next installment! lol
LOVE the books! Love that there are going to be more! I too don't know how I'll wait a whole year for another book… Thanks for a great series!
That is the most exciting news I've heard all week. That is WONDERFUL!!!! I have to go tell all my friends. They will be thrilled. I just turned them onto the books. Yay!!!!
This is such great news, your books are some of my faves!! And now they are the faves of several friends (we read them for bookclub.) Keep up the excellent work, can't wait to read the rest! 🙂
Go Big Red!!
I am so happy to hear that you've signed for so many more books! I devoured the first three books this week, and I totally love Merit! She's fun, sassy and I laugh out loud with her quite often.
Thrilling news for a new fan – I adore these books after a mere day with the first two and can't believe I have finally found someone as snarky as me. No matter which turns this take, Iäll be here waiting patiently. And I'm not really a pateint reader unless I like; a lot.
I just started reading the series and I am very impressed by the quality of your writing! Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Picture a rather large woman jumping up and down like Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch, and that would be me just reading the news of THREE MORE fantastic episodes of "fangy" Merit in Chicago!!! Congrats Chloe!!
This is awesome! I thought the Twice Bitten cover looked promising so I bought it and then realized there were two books before it so I had to buy them and then I read all three in 36 hours and then had to read them again because I am HOOKED! I can't wait to read the next 4 books!!!
Merit is my new hero .Sooo happy to hear they'll be many more. Can't wait .
I can't wait. I just finished the first book not too long ago, and I absolutely loved it, especially Merit's sarcastic, snappy wit. I recently purchased Twice Bitten, and currently reading Friday Night Lights, so I'm super happy the series got expanded. Congrats Chloe!!
Just read 1-3 back-to-back this weekend. So happy to pop in and see that you have publisher support to continue the series. Congratulations!
That is awesome news!!!! I love Ethan and Merit. I don't know how I'm going to wait a whole year, but 3 books for the future are better than nothing, I take the year. Keep up the good writing and the great adventures of your books. Love them!!!!!
I read your books, and was very happy how you written down the Vampire world.
Compared to a lot of other Vampire worlds I read (mainly from Warhammer environment), yours are pretty good and like the style of how Merit evolves.
Hope this 4th book will be just as awesome and interesting to read as your last books, I read them a couple of times since the story is very interesting 🙂
From a fan in Netherlands ^^
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG Im sooooooooooo happy for you and of course for all of us since we are going to see more of Merit XD
Congrats Chloe 😉
I accidentally tripped on this series last week… I bought all three and am just finishing #3… it KILLS me that I have to wait a year for #4!!! FYI.. I have read more than 200 of the vamp romance …. The first complete paragraph on page 119 of book 3 is unequivocally the most intense – romantic – make your pink parts weep paragraph I've read to date! I swear I re-read that paragraph nine times before I could turn the page! Chloe … you are amazing!
Yeahhhhhhh!! (Late to the party, soz, holiday fun times.)
This is so, so well-deserved, hope you celebrated hard – I love the chemistry & inherent witty sarcasm in your writing, the political intrigue, and the UST, all of which make for a heady & addictive combination.
Having read both CV & DE, to date, have been earnestly pimping out both to my nearest & dearest book mavens, regardless of age or (literary) inclination – got big love for both series, really looking forward to reading more, as and when, & now my peeps are too.
Keep on it, I needs mah next fix.
That´s great Chloe.. I love your Books, and Catcher and well Ethan has his thing, but in the last book he behave badly LOL altough that´s good too:) I´m really happy for you!! Just one thing don´t let us keep on waiting to resolve Merit and Ethan´s relationship I´m not sure If I can stand more stress LOL.
Kisses from Latin AMerica!!