Hello, everyone. For those of you participating in Write Your A$$ Off day, how goes the writing?
Unfortunately, due to a crash editing deadline for HEXBOUND, I’m actually editing this weekend instead of writing. Potato, potato. It’s still words in the file, and books out the door!
So far, so good! I have revised four chapters in my WIP and am rewriting two chapters…actually more than I had aimed for today. So Success!! Hope everyone else's "Write your A$$ off" day goes as well.
I'm just a few hundred words into the 2K I'm aiming for. I need to buckle down this evening.
Just checking in…..I am stuck on a part I feel like I have re-written 4 times now. Going to take a break and water my garden then back to it!
Just passed my goal. Now I'm off to edit chapter 1.
I'm halfway to my goal! I'm going to keep at it..errr..also going to peek at blogs and facebook lol!
Happy writing everyone!
phew…after 10 pm…and i think im gunna have to call it a day. I didn't make my goal, which was a little crazy I must say. But hey, go big or go home right?? I still got in a good chapter and a half and I'm much further in the outlining than before so alls good. Kind of mentally zapped though. All in all good day 😀
I did it! All 2000 words plus a little editing on the side.
Thanks again for doing this Chloe. So inspiring.
My Sunday being yesterday in my part of the world, I did achieve 2000 words, and then some.
It was awesome. And I'm still writing now. I might even cross the 3000 mark. Heh.
There is a drive. I can't understand it, but I'm going along with it. ^^
Only managed 1200 words on a new story. Wanted to do more, but the swimming breaks really cut into the day.
Final count: 1 sick toddler, 1 teething infant, 1 cute stray rescue, a trip to chuckie cheese and family dinner at the rents. AND 1500 words. Woot!
3 Chapters (count 'em) 3 chapters were finished yesterday. Proved to be extremely productive 🙂 Thanks for the contest, Chloe!!
I ended up only writing 600 words for the current WIP yesterday. HOWEVER, I did manage to write 900 words for book 2.
Not entirely my 3-4k goal, but I'm in the final 20k of book 1, so I'll let it slide. Besides, I figured out part of book 2! *dances*
I didn't quite meet my 2000 word goal, but got pretty far along!!! I think now I'm going to finish today. 🙂
I've only managed 1200 of the 2000 words I was aiming for. Maybe writing after such a big exam wasn't my smartest idea. My brain is fried, and my muse has apparently taken a vacation. I'm also tired as hell.
But at least I wrote something, so I'll take this as a (partial) success.
Finally got past my writer's block and was able to get through the part I was re-writing over and over. I didn't mention to my husband what I was doing, but he called me at work today and said "Hey I was thinking, you read a lot….you should write a book." LOL! I plan to have him edit. Thanks for the challenge!
Completed a great outline and about 20 pages!
Ok, yesterday I was able to write 3444 words. YAY! I'm so happy that I made one full chapter. It was really fun and I couldn't be more happy about the result, they got a hell of a day haha
Ok, yesterday I was able to write 3444 words. YAY! I'm so happy that I made one full chapter. It was really fun and I couldn't be more happy about the result, they got a hell of a day haha
Let's see. Washing machine broke . . . twice. Vacuum cleaner broke. So since I wasn't doing anything productive in the house? I got 2200 words out and two revisions on earlier stuff. Whoo-hoo!!