It’s WRITE YOUR A$$ OFF time!

Because I’m on an historically short deadline to write HARD BITTEN (and because My Favorite Boy will be out doing his photography thang), I’m making Sunday a Write Your A$$ Off! Day!

My goal: 3,000 words of HARD BITTEN.

My prize: The satisfaction of a hard day’s effort.

Your goal: Do you have a short story or novel in your head that’s ready to pop? Have you been waiting for an excuse to get that first chapter written? Here’s your chance, folks!

1. Leave me a comment identifying what you’ll be working on Sunday and what your goal is (1,000 words, one chapter, etc.). On Sunday, I’ll be monitoring comments, so drop by if you want to share your status or update your goal.

2. On Monday, leave a note and let us know how far you got! I’ll select ONE lucky Monday commenter to win a signed copy of the first three Chicagoland Vampires novels–SOME GIRLS BITE, FRIDAY NIGHT BITES and TWICE BITTEN, as well as some swag.

Feel free to repost the event and contest and share the love. And good luck!

40 thoughts on “CALLING ALL WRITERS!

  • I will be working on a first chapter of a love story I have thinking about for a while. I actually hope to get passed the 1st chapter on Sunday so wish me luck!

  • I am going to flesh out characters and the other background information for a story that has been floating around for a while

  • I'm trying to wrap up a middle grade story I have been working on! I'm so excited for Hard Bitten! Good luck and happy writing!

  • I'm going to be working on my own UF/ Psychological Thriller that I've been pondering lately. I have the main characters flushed out, and a few key plot elements and now I'm just going to see where my characters take me. It truly will be write my ass off day, because for me I am lucky if I get 5-7 pages when I'm working it in the beginning. My goal for Sun:20-30 pages…dun dun dun

  • There is this SciFi story I barely begun, that could need some serious attention.
    Sadly, I have a exam on monday, so spending time on writing is a big no-go.
    But since I´m european, I´m going to play my magical time-zone card, and write Monday evening. That way I can reach my 2´000 words goal before it´s afternoon in your part of the world. 😉

  • Darn, no time for short stories but I sure need to finish my wip. I really wish I could send my dream waves to my computer at night. If so I would have been finished.

  • Still working on my great American teen novel. On national write your a$$ off day I got 2600 words and fell asleep. Sunday I will reclaim my honor and maybe some swag as well. 3000 words or bust!

  • UNfortunately I am not a writer but on Sunday I will be taking photos all day for the volleyball team i work for. that is a long a$$ day too!

  • I'm working on my summer project which is totally different from what i was doing on NYWC(which I rocked with 1 minute to spare). I'm playing catchup after being gone for a week, but I had made a goal of 1000 words per day so Sunday I think I will match you at 3000

  • I have three chapters in my WIP that need some serious revision and fleshing out. I will now be working on it this weekend!

  • I will write 2500 words on my WIP, plus edit the first three chapters. Whew, that's scary when you write it down!

  • I've been writing a fiction story but it's based on my life right now about the hardships with my mom and family. I just never get far. So I guess my goal is to get at least 2 chps, or at leats an outline or something to bring all the little peices I have together.

  • I'm going to be continuing my current WIP. Instead of 2k words, I'm gonna aim for 3-4k 🙂

  • I'm writing and querying. A break would be refreshing. I have a short story in mind and would love to play.

  • Ohhh Im going to write about 1000+ words!! I have had some book ideas on the backburner for a while. Now i can't wait!! maybe i should start now…. lol

  • I'll be working on a cyberpunk romance short story, hopefully will get done at least 2K (though I won't complain if I get done more of course XD).

    I'll also be rooting you on to write 3K!!!

  • I'll be working on my novel that I have steadily been typing away on. I've changed and chopped so much that it's right around 60,000 words right now. My long goal is 80,000 to 100,000.

    Sunday I hope to add at least 2,000 words

  • Looking to get chapters 11.4 and 12 rewrite and editing done. Then if everything goes well I can start the difficult review of chapter 13 which will take the rest of the week to complete…Oh well we shall see how things go

  • I need to work on my urban fantasy story that I've started that keeps getting pushed aside. If I could do 2,000 words. I would be so happy.

  • Going to do my best to finish a good 3K on the novel I started a few months back. I'm in a fair bit, but lately have been putting it aside in favor of work (arg) and therefore will be joining the Write you A$$ Off Day!

  • My wip is a contemporary. I have an ooutline I'm really happy with. Now I just need to sit down and type. I'm aiming for 2500 on Sunday.Thanks for doing this. Now I'll be extra motivated not to slack!

  • I'm going to finish outlining my story and get the first chapter done. It's going to be a contemporary YA novel with a bit of romance.

  • I'm going to try for 2-3K words on my demons manuscript. I should also try to get some more editing done on my other ms; but editing is much less fun than writing. Or so I've found.

  • I have an outline for a book, no name as yet, of how I want the book to go. Since everyone will be out of the house, I'm hoping to write, let's say two chapters. The problem with me writing, will not being able to stop, once I've started.
    Steph W.

  • My goal is to write 1200 words of my scientific thesis. Not as much fun as writing fiction, but it needs to get done!

  • This is a great motivator! I will write 2000 words on my newest idea!!!

  • My goal is to start a story that has been brewing in my mind for years! I want to get a full chapter done, at least. Thanks for the inspiration! (:

  • My goal is probably 2000 words.
    This is tricky, I'm going to be busy with school stuff, but I can pull it off, if it's only for 2000 words. I just finished 1000 words today.
    The time zones will get everything confusing, though. Maybe I'll start posting when everyone else does?? =]

  • If the temp actually stays in the low 90s and I can tempt the kids with the inflatable pool, I'll see your 3000. (Thank god for wi-fi and a screened porch!) I'm in the homestretch on my first YA paranormal — another 20-25K to go — and this will push me toward my larger goal of finishing before my fall semester classes start and students begin claiming a larger chunk of my life 🙂

    Enjoyed Firespell, btw.

  • Hi, my goal it's about a full chapter (less than 3500 words more or less) of my fantasy-sci fi-heavenly YA novel that I started planing and sketching 2 years ago, and this year I began to write… finally these little characters are ready to go out and play (:

  • Hi, my goal it's about a full chapter (less than 3500 words more or less) of my fantasy-sci fi-heavenly YA novel that I started planing and sketching 2 years ago, and this year I began to write… finally these little characters are ready to go out and play (:

  • I will do my best to make 1,000 words. Hopefully, real life will cooperate. Thanks for the challenge. Sometimes that is what I need. Thanks again.

  • Just checking in…. I am a bit stuck on a part I feel like I have re-written 4 times now. Going to take a break to water my garden then hitting it again.

  • Well i finished editing chapter 11.4 and chapter 12…my head has exploded. But it was worth the effort

  • With the heat index reaching 115 degrees, it was the perfect day to sit in the a/c and write. Wrote 42 pages, haven't put them in chapters as of yet but did get through the proof reading and ended up expanding several parts.

    Thanks, Chloe for the challenge- it got me started!

    Steph W.

  • I don't usually participate in things like this but I thought Why not? What else am I doing on Sunday? I got a nice detailed outline completed and about 2500 words. Which is great, for me 🙂


  • Finally got past my writer's block and was able to get through the part I was re-writing over and over. I didn't mention to my husband what I was doing, but he called me at work today and said "Hey I was thinking, you read a lot….you should write a book." LOL! I plan to have him edit. Thanks for the challenge!

  • Oh yeah I forgot to mention how far I got. I completed a really great outline and knocked out 20 pages!

  • Oh gosh, I have a some stories on here that are probably over 1,000 words but I haven't finished them now. Oh well. Good luck to you all.

  • I know its a little late, but I've been working on a story for the past year and have about 5 chapters written just not in order. I just write the scenes as the come. I know how I want the story to come out, its just filling in the gaps I'm having trouble with. So my goal is to write at least 3 chapters to fill in the gaps from Ch.1 to whatever I need to connect the dots so to speak.

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