First and foremost, please check out Write What You See today to read an excellent post on collages and visual inspiration by author Karen Mahoney!
And now, without further ado, the Friday Five!
1. This isn’t exactly about writing (or visual inspiration), but scrapbooker Ali Edwards has posted a great blog on scrapbooking motivational tricks. There’s good inspirational ideas in there (grab your camera; don’t worry about being perfect; quit making excuses) that work just as well for writers as for scrapbookers.
2. The New York Times has a photography slideshow on the rehabilitation of Grey Gardens. Who wouldn’t want to spend and afternoon meandering through this place? (Via Abbey Goes Design Scouting)
3. Is your journaling this consistent?
4. Tiny Art Director. Child dictates subject of father’s artwork = Fabulous. (Via Boing Boing)
5. Cursive Design. Very interesting work from a Chicago jeweler.
Thanks for having me over at the other blog, Chloe! 🙂
Thank you for coming! 🙂