The Friday Five

First, don’t forget that TKA PR Goddess Jia Gayles will be guest blogging a bit later this morning. I’m really looking forward to reading her blog. She’ll also be checking in on comments, so feel free to leave her a note. AND, as an added bonus, I’ll be giving away FIVE (count ’em – FIVE)[…]

The Custom Friday Five

Looking for something that’s tailored for you? Check out these beauties. 1. Make My Notebook. Custom notebooks, with sizing and cover options. (Via Parcel Post) 2. Gems by Em.  Custom jewelry that’s vaguely NAVR medal-ish, don’t you think? 3. Lettergirl. Custom address stamps. Tres chic. 4. Simplesong. Custom letterpress calling cards. 5. Not so much[…]

The Friday Five – Book Edition

Don’t Forget–Today is the LAST day to enter the Chicagoland Vampires Scavenger Hunt and have your chance at great prizes! The contest ends at midnight, so e-mail your entries today to scavengerhunt AT chloeneill DOT com. First, good writing to susiej, this month’s featured WIP Thursday commenter. Here’s what Susie’s working on: I’m polishing my[…]

The Friday Five

First and foremost, please check out Write What You See today to read an excellent post on collages and visual inspiration by author Karen Mahoney! And now, without further ado, the Friday Five! 1. This isn’t exactly about writing (or visual inspiration), but scrapbooker Ali Edwards has posted a great blog on scrapbooking motivational tricks.[…]

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