Final Pre-Release Reminders

Only twelve hours to go!! (And less if you’re waiting for an electronic download!)

First of all, don’t forget there are LOTS of stops happening on the TWICE BITTEN blog tour, including visits tomorrow to Bitten by Books and A Cozy Reader. You can see the entire list here, and don’t forget to pay the hostees a visit for opportunities to win TWICE BITTEN swag and more!
Second, don’t forget that you still have time to enter to win the blood-red engraved iPod by joining the Cadogan House street team and helping me publicize the release of TWICE BITTEN. You can read this post to learn more about the contest.
Third, I’m very excited to announce that I’ll be joining Literary Escapism on THURSDAY night (July 8, 2010) at 8:00 p.m. CST for an hour-long chat about TWICE BITTEN and other good stuff. I’ll post more details prior to the chat. You’ll have your chance to ask me questions (but no spoilers, please!), and I’ll also announce the winner of the iPod contest during the chat. Hope to see you there!
Fourth and finally, don’t forget that if you’ve already read TWICE BITTEN and you’re eager to chat, you can join the Chicagoland Vampires Spoiler Yahoo Group to analyze all the deets.
Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope you truly, truly enjoy reading TWICE BITTEN!!

2 thoughts on “Final Pre-Release Reminders

  • Wow, and it seems like only yesterday the ticker said 54 days left! Good on ya Chloe, it's a hell of a book that I will re-read many more times while waiting impatiently for CV4. 🙂

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