Merit’s (book) birthday next week!

On Monday, April 7, 2014, Merit will be five years old!

Okay, we know she’s actually 28 1/2, but SOME GIRLS BITE was published April 7, 2009, so she’s only five in book years. 🙂

Join me here on Monday to celebrate Merit’s birthday with a Kindle and Gift Card giveaway!

In the meantime, please feel free to share your thoughts about Merit in the comments. I’ll be selecting comments here (and from Facebook) to share on her birthday.

xoxo, Chloe

24 thoughts on “Merit’s (book) birthday next week!

  • I love everything about Merit. Her struggle to be herself as a human and then as a vamp. ..Her attitude… Her style…her LOVE of food ….her addiction to chocolate….

    Too many great things to list. 🙂

  • Happy birthday Merit! You have been through a lot in the last five years and handled it wonderfully. I can’t wait for all the wonderful food at your party.

  • Happy Birthday Merit!! Hope you have a great day! Thanks for the last five years….its been awesome!!!

  • What I really love about Merit is how she’s progressed from complete disbelief to Sentinel extraordinaire. I’ve enjoyed her character development tremendously. I’m NOT looking forward to book 13 you know!

  • Merit is one of my favorite female characters. Funny and fallible, I love her as a heroine.

  • I love everything about Merit.
    She’s flawed and knows it, she’s brave, snarky and loving. She’s a good friend and tries to do what’s right.
    Plus, she went through every book and faced every challenge with heart, with humor and without losing herself. She’s a good example.

  • I love Merit’s perseverance in everything she does! Merit is strong and smart and she not afraid to act like a woman even when she’s a kick butt vampire!!

  • What I like about Merit is that she is brave, loyal, smart, strong, and down-to-earth, plus she’s a huge Cubs fan. And who doesn’t like someone who enjoys chocolate and Chicagoland cuisine. 🙂
    I can go on about what I like about Merit, but don’t think there is enough space here.

  • I love Merits ability to do what she thinks is right even if it causes her other problems. I love how she stands up for herself and what she believes in.

  • My favorite vintage Merit moment is in Friday Night Bites. Merit and Ethan are fighting Peter on the dock and she jumps over his sword, flips and lands on his other side. Than she says to Ethan, “Someone might have warned me I could do that.”

  • I love the fact that Merit was unsure when Mallory gave Merit her first set of leathers and now they are part of who she is. And the gorgeous set that Ethan gave her..swoon.

  • Happy birthday Merit.
    I canßt say what I love on Merit. She is cool and perfekt the way she it.

  • I love the opening to Some Girls Bite where Merit is waking up and discovering that she is wearing fancy clothes, but it the manicure that really gets her.

  • Happy 5th Birthday Merit.
    I’m hoping it’s uneventful in all things…except for the fun things…supernatural.

  • Happy Birthday Merit, I love everything about Merit. She is kind of a friend you would want to have . She’s loyal to her friends,She loves her chocolate.(chocolate covered bacon .its just saying) It’s been a great five years. Thank You!

  • I love Merit because she has managed to keep her humanity in the midst of all the chaos around her. She is snarky and sarcastic, a loyal friend, and a passionate lover. She is also a complete bad ass! Happy birthday, Merit!

  • I love Merit’s character because she is caring of others, knows herself, loves her grandfather and is a great friend. She looks back at her life as a human and although she misses parts of it, the “normalcy”, she embraces what is before her and makes the best of it without losing sight of who she was then and who she is now. Well done!

  • Happy B-day Mert.
    I found out about the series when I actually fell asleep at the library. Library Cop found me at midnight. You know, studying for finals. Anyways, on my way out of the library, I saw the book, and thought I have to read the book.
    The next day, got the book read the back of the cover to my roommate who claim that the main character is me.

  • Merit is one of the best UF/Paranormal heroines out there. Perfectly flawed b/c she’s willing to learn from her mistakes, loyal, loving and protective of those around her. So glad I started reading Some Girls Bite that day in May several years ago. Here’s to more Merit and Co. for years to come.

  • So glad to meet Chloe this weekend at WillyCon and learn about her experiences and her writing techniques. Looking forward to meeting Merit in my new book! Thanks for all you did this weekend! I learned so much!

  • I absolutely LOVE Merit! I fell in live with this series right after it was published and wait on the edge of my seat for every new book. I have preordered and own every book. I can’t wait to find out what happens with Merit and Ethan! I was crushed when I thought he had died, I literally cried. I felt there was no way this could happen, they aren’t over yet, they’ve barely started! I was so excited to read he was brought back and now I want to find out about that baby! Every time I get a new book I spend the day completely focused and don’t stop until the book is over. I can’t wait for the next book, and would love to see a movie or series come out on this series! It’s one of my favorites!!

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