Happy Release Day!

Happy Release Day

Luck Break FinalHappy release day! LUCKY BREAK, the first Ethan & Merit e-special novella, is now available.  It’s only $1.99, and it includes the first two chapters of DARK DEBT.

Grab a copy of LUCKY BREAK at your favorite e-retailer:  Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo

Don’t worry — you don’t need a Kindle or Nook to read LUCKY BREAK.  Click here for instructions and links to download the Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and iBooks apps to your phone or computer.

But do get ready, because we’re only two weeks away from the release of DARK DEBT!

xoxo, Chloe

3 thoughts on “Happy Release Day!

  • Good short story. And just torture for only 2 chapters of DD. The next 2 weeks can not come fast enough!

  • Have to wait until 5th March for both books as they aren’t available in my region until then. Ah well, something to look forward to!

  • I’m not usually a fan of novellas/short stories. I find they usually don’t have much of a plot, or the story is so rushed that I can’t really get into it. Glad to say that I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

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