The "New" Morgan
Karl Urban anyone? Anyone?
Karl Urban anyone? Anyone?
After a fervent Tweet war over the best Chicagoland Vampire (or sorcerer), readers Tasha, Colette and Mandi have agreed to offer up a point/counterpoint/counterpoint on three CV favorites: Ethan, Morgan and Catcher. Ladies, take it away! [ED. NOTE: Kari — EARMUFFS!] > TEAM ETHAN (Colette of A Buckeye Girl Reads) I’m totally in love with[…]
> Guest Blogs Thanks to everyone who came out for the chat tonight at A Good Addiction’s book forum. It was a great time! You can also check out a new interview at AGA’s blog! On Friday, I’ll also be interviewed over at Flipping Pages For All Ages. Drop by! > Valentine’s Day Shindig Also[…]
I’ve added two brand-new sections to the Store! First, a very economically-priced group of flair/buttons to satisfy all your pro-Morgan, pro-Ethan or pro-Luc needs!! Second, upon request from my lovely new friends in Kearney, a classic CADOGAN T-shirt similar to the one I’m wearing my authorly photo. Enjoy! And speaking of Kearney, how great was[…]