Sayeth the New York Times:

Chicago Blackhawks Win Stanley Cup, Their First Since 1961 Congratulations, Chicago! A Twitterer suggested I should celebrate the win by releasing TWICE BITTEN early. If only I could!! How about, instead, I give a little teaser? The ‘Hawks are looking their bearded best, so let’s do something a little shiftery… * * * Without a[…]

Chicago Bits

A few random Chicago tidbits to keep your week moving right along. . . 1. “Chicago Style” Tat featuring Blago. Chicagoist enjoys it, but I’m not sure how I feel about that one. (Ed. note: Am I allowed to call him “Blago” when I don’t live in Chicago?) 2. New baby zebra at the Lincoln[…]

Time To Read?

Anxious to start the CV or DE series, but you aren’t sure where to start? Check out Drey’s new Bibliography post (part of this month’s featured author series), in which she gives the deets on all three CV books and Firespell, the first DE book. And don’t forget to enter the giveaway, and check back[…]

It’s Write Your A$$ Off time again

Yes, folks, it’s time again for the proud weekend tradition–Write Your A$$ Off, this time sponsored by the New York Writers’ Coalition. The event takes place beginning at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 12, 2010, and the NYWC web site has tons of information, including free prompts for that helpful Saturday morning writing kickstart. The[…]

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